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ZTA ceramic powder

ZTA ceramic powder is based on ultra-fine alumina grains as matrix, and Y-TZP zirconia tetragonal phase as the toughening medium. It has the features such as the uniform particle distribution, controllable sintering range, sintered body strength and toughness, microstructure uniform grain size, dense and so on. It can be widely used in various types of structural ceramics, electronic ceramics, biological ceramics, advanced refractory materials, optical communication devices, artificial gems, oxygen sensors, solid oxygen fuel cells, grinding and polishing industries.

ATZ ceramic powder

ATZ ceramic powder is a composite material of nano Alumina and nano Zirconia. ATZ produced by our company is divided into chemical grade and physical grade, which can meet the demands of different customers. ATZ ceramics can partly replace yttria stabilized zirconia ceramics, especially in wear-resistant structural parts. The chemical method has the advantages of fine grain, low-sintering temperature, good strength, toughness and wear resistance.

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