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Monoclinic Zirconia Powder
Hits:1546 Addtime:2021-1-11 [Print] [Back]

Zirconia material is with excellent physical and chemical properties such as high hardness, high strength, high toughness, high wear resistance and chemical resistance, etc. Zirconia has been widely used in various fields such as ceramics, refractory materials, machinery, electronics, optics, aerospace, biology, chemistry and so on.


Both FR-H series and FR-D series can be used for polishing powder, polishing fluid and polishing disc manufacturing. The performance is slightly different between the two series. Please contact our staff before buying.

FR-H series is more suitable for the industries like ceramics, electronics, optics, aerospace, biology, chemistry and so on.

FR-D series is more suitable for the industries like metallurgy, electronics, optics, ceramic pigment, opaque and semi-white frit, chemical and so on.

For filtration casting, coating casting, thermal insulation and other industries please contact our staff for appropriate choice.

For special glass, functional ceramics and relevant appendages, please contact our staff for appropriate choice.

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